web developer training

301 error: what causes it and how to fix it easily?

The 301 error is a very common type of error on websites. This can be very frustrating, as it means you can’t access the page you want to see. There are many possible reasons for this type of error, and fortunately, there are quick and easy ways to resolve it. In this article, we’ll explain in detail what the 301 error is, the possible reasons that can cause it and how to resolve it easily. We hope you find this information useful.

1. What is a 301 error?

The 301 error is an HTTP error that occurs when a website is temporarily or permanently redirected to another URL. This is a special response sent by a web server to a client (usually a web browser) to indicate that the requested content has been moved to a new URL. This error is used by website owners who wish to redirect their visitors to a new URL after making updates to their website or moving pages to a new URL with an HTTP 301 status code.

What does the 301 error mean?

The HTTP 301 error indicates that your page has been redirected to another page. This may be due to a redirection problem or to the use of a 301 tag to redirect the page. If you use the 301 tag, this means that your page has been redirected to another page and that this has been validated by Google with an HTTP response code of 301.

What are the reasons for the 301 error?

The 301 error can have two possible causes. The first is that the URL is the same, but a different redirection procedure is used. The second is that the URL is different, but the same redirection procedure is used.

How to fix the 301 error?

To resolve the 301 error, you need to check that the page content is still present. If this is not the case, the page must be updated. It is also necessary to ensure that the URL of the page is the same. If the page URL has changed, it must be updated.

What does the 301 error have in common with the 404 problem?

The 301 error has many similarities with the 404 problem. These two problems are access problems, but they’re not identical. A 301 error can occur, for example, when the URL of a Web page is modified..,

2. How to fix the 301 error easily

The 301 error is an HTTP status code that tells a search engine that a web page has been permanently moved to a new URL. Although this error can be very disappointing for website owners, it can be resolved with 95% efficiency. In this article, we’ll explain in detail how to correct the 301 error and prevent it from happening again in the future.

Check your host

If you’re having problems with your website, first check for 301 errors. If this is the case, contact your web host to have the error corrected. This will help you identify whether the host is the cause of the problem.

Increase your serp only for 301 two weeks

When you repair your 301 error, you should increase your SERP moderately for 2 weeks. This will enable you to benefit from this increase for the duration of your SEO campaign, while avoiding a windfall effect.

Rewrite your content

When you try to solve a problem linked to the 301 error, you need to make sure you completely rewrite your content for another chance to redistribute the same information that was present at the time of the 301 error. This also ensures that you can reintegrate links, graphics and other content, up to 90% of the previous information.

Don’t just rewrite the content

When you rewrite content, you should also take care to modify links. This can be difficult, as the content must remain identical. It’s therefore important to check two things: firstly, that there aren’t two pages with the same content, and secondly, that the links are always present and direct to the right pages.

Replace your existing content with new content

To replace content with new content, use the 301 . This tells search engines that current content should be replaced, and tells Google that content should not be deleted, even if it’s out of date. This can be a great way to keep content online..,

3. How do I rebuild htaccess files?

htaccess files are a very powerful file type that can be used to control the behavior of files and directories on a web server. These files can be used to rewrite URLs, configure caching, control file access, block specific IPs and much more. However, if these files are damaged or deleted, htaccess files can be restored in 5 simple steps.

Edit file in web directory

Sometimes it’s necessary to modify the htaccess file in your site’s folder, for example when a 301 error occurs. In some cases, this may be the reason why it’s necessary to modify the file, for example when a new version of your site is set up.

Use template to retrieve code

To ensure that all codes are correct, you can use a template. This will enable you to check that all codes are present and of optimum quality in your htaccess file, reducing the risk of errors by over 95%.

Use the web directory as a page

To confirm that a web directory is considered a page, you need to apply a 301 tag. This ensures that the URL of the page is identical to that of the directory. This ensures that all links to this page remain functional and that it is not necessary to create a new link to the directory..,

4. How to disable WordPress cache?

If you’re a WordPress user, you know that caching can be very beneficial for improving page loading speed and user experience. However, you may need to disable the WordPress cache in order for the changes you’ve made to be visible. In this article, we’ll explain how to disable WordPress cache for different plugins and themes, as well as the reasons why you might want to avoid doing so.

Disable cache during theme creation

To avoid writing 301 errors when modifying the theme, it is necessary to disable the cache. This is an important step, as it prevents mistakes from being made. It is therefore advisable to deactivate the cache before starting to modify the theme.

Disable cache during plugin installation

In order to install a plugin, it is essential to deactivate the cache. This gives you access to information stored in the cache, which may be useful for installing a plugin. If you don’t deactivate the cache, you run the risk of encountering compatibility problems with other plugins around 80% of the time.

Disable cache during theme installation

To install a theme on WordPress, you need to disable the site cache to avoid any possible errors. This setting is at the top right of the theme management interface screen.

Disable cache during theme modification

To avoid displaying a 301 error message when modifying a WordPress theme, it is necessary to disable the cache while working. To do this, simply check the corresponding box to deactivate the cache.

How to disable WordPress cache: methods

When you disable the WordPress cache, a 301 error may occur. So it’s important to make sure you disable the cache before updating to avoid such errors.

How to disable WordPress cache: tips

One of the first tips for disabling the WordPress cache is to always use the latest version of this platform. It can sometimes be difficult to ensure that all features are up to date. In this case, it’s necessary to get rid of the existing caches and replace them with new ones,

5. How do I delete the WordPress cache?

WordPress cache is a handy feature that can improve your website’s performance by storing cached versions of pages, posts and other dynamic content. So when a visitor arrives on your website, they receive a pre-loaded version of the page, rather than having to generate it each time it’s needed. Caching can reduce your website’s loading time by 70-80%, dramatically improving the user experience and even contributing to better search engine rankings.

Delete cache from administration panel

To delete a WordPress site’s cache, access the admin panel via the « Tools » menu. Once in the administration panel, click on « Settings » and select the « Display » tab. Then select the « Cache » button to complete the 4-step procedure.

How to delete the cache from theme management

To delete the WordPress cache, you need to access your theme settings. This will allow you to clear the cache. If you don’t want to delete it, you can disable it, which will reduce memory consumption by up to 20%.


The 301 error is an error frequently encountered by website owners. Fortunately, it’s easy to correct. By checking the .htaccess file, disabling the WordPress cache and deleting the WordPress cache, you can solve this problem and get your site up and running again. To avoid any further problems, we recommend that you consult the documentation for the theme or plugin you’re using before making any changes to your website. Article source: www.formateur-web.io