
Our advice on choosing between LXP and LMS for your training.

In our last article, we talked to you about LXP. Now let’s take a look at the two main types of e-learning platform.

LXP or LMS, which should you choose for your e-learning training? This is a question we regularly ask our customers. As demand for e-learning training continues to grow, business models are diversifying. This makes it a real challenge for companies to choose the best solution for their needs.

Before looking at the different business models and the similarities and differences between LXP and LMS platforms, it’s important to remember exactly what is meant by the term “e-learning platform”.


What is an e-learning platform?


An e-learning platform is a tool that brings together all the elements of an e-learning project, i.e. all the content (texts, images, videos, animations, etc.), project management tools (management of stages, tasks and deliverables) and learning follow-up tools (knowledge acquisition follow-up, self-assessment tests).

An e-learning platform is an information system that centralizes all project data from start to finish: from the creative brief to final completion.


What are the advantages of an e-learning platform?


The e-learning platform makes managing an e-learning project simple and intuitive. It is also very useful for managing a complex, multi-technical project involving several participants (designers, developers, trainers, editors, auditors, etc.).

The e-learning platform centralizes all project data. The project manager can keep track of all project stages thanks to a comprehensive dashboard.

What’s more, with a project management tool, the manager can organize the implementation of the project and facilitate the work of his teams.

Finally, thanks to an e-learning platform, all those involved in the project are automatically kept informed of project progress.


What types of e-learning platforms are there?


There are many different types of e-learning platform, adapted to specific needs.

For example, you can use an e-learning platform dedicated to skills development. This platform is designed for training and retraining employees on the basis of data sheets or job descriptions. It also speeds up and simplifies the implementation of an e-learning project.

You can also choose an e-learning platform dedicated to project management. This platform is designed to speed up and simplify the implementation of an e-learning project.

Finally, you can also use an e-learning platform dedicated to MOOCS (Massive Open Online Courses). With such a platform, the trainer can create MOOCS from a database.

How do I choose an e-learning platform?


The e-learning platform you choose will depend on your project. You can choose a platform dedicated to skills development or e-learning project management. However, it is essential to carry out an audit of your needs before choosing an e-learning platform. You need to know exactly what you’re looking for before choosing an e-learning platform.


1. LXP and LMS solutions


LXP and LMS are two widely used and well-known solutions in the world of e-learning. The aim of these solutions is to provide users with a high-performance, easy-to-use e-learning platform.


What is an LMS?

The LMS (Learning Management System) is an e-learning solution for managing training courses. The LMS enables the trainer to create a simple, interactive training program. What’s more, the LMS can automate exchanges between trainers and learners. In fact, an LMS is capable of managing exchanges between the learner and the trainer.

What is an LXP?


The LXP (Learning Experience Platform) is a training software package with numerous modules. The LXP modules enable the trainer to create interactive multimedia content from a database. What’s more, the LXP modules can be used to set up a high-performance, easy-to-use e-learning platform.

LXP and LMS are two complementary solutions. LXP modules can be used to create interactive multimedia content. What’s more, the LMS automates exchanges between trainer and learner. In addition, a trainer can create specific, customized modules for his or her learners.

LXP and LMS solutions can be divided into three classes:

LXP and the basic LMS

Top-level LXP and LMS solutions

High-end LXP and LMS solutions

Basic LXP and LMS solutions are very easy to use. All the trainer has to do is add interactive multimedia content to a database. In addition, the trainer can add learner-specific questions. In addition, the basic solutions feature automatic correction functions.

Higher-level LXP and LMS solutions are more sophisticated. In fact, they can be used to add new functionalities to the platform. What’s more, trainers can create their own modules.

Top-of-the-range LXP and LMS solutions have all the features of top-level solutions and more. What’s more, they enable trainers to create completely customized modules.

Basic LXP and LMS solutions are not suitable for companies that need to develop their employees’ skills. In fact, they do not enable trainers to obtain very precise results for learners. What’s more, they’re not as sophisticated as top-tier and high-end solutions.

LXP and higher-level LMS are best suited to companies that want to improve their training processes. In fact, they enable companies to know what learners have learned and to correct their mistakes. What’s more, these solutions give trainers more precise results.

LXP and high-end LMS are better suited to companies that want to improve their training processes. In fact, they enable companies to know what learners have learned and to correct any mistakes. What’s more, these solutions provide trainers with more accurate results.

2. LXP or LMS?


LXP is a basic solution that enables companies to improve their training processes. Companies can choose from several learning modules to suit their learners’ needs. However, the database is limited and does not provide very accurate results.

The LMS is a more sophisticated system that enables companies to identify learner shortcomings. It also provides statistics on the results achieved with the LMS. What’s more, companies can improve their training processes by comparing the results obtained.


3. LXP highlights


The LXP’s strong point is its affordable price. It’s easy to use and set up. However, it does not offer precise results.

4 Strengths and weaknesses of LXP


The LXP’s strong point is its affordable price. It’s easy to use and set up. However, it does not offer precise results.

The weak point of LXP is that it doesn’t provide precise results. What’s more, companies need complementary solutions to improve their training processes. However, these can quickly become expensive.

The strong point of the LXP is its ergonomic design. What’s more, it enables companies to identify learner shortcomings and improve their training processes.

The strong point of LXP is that it enables companies to identify learner shortcomings. It also provides statistics on the results obtained with LXP.


5. LMS strengths and weaknesses


The strong point of the LMS is that it provides companies with great flexibility in terms of training and improves training processes. What’s more, companies can access learners’ results via the LMS.

The weak point of the LMS is its high cost. However, it does give an indication of whether or not their employees have learned what they need to learn. And if their employees haven’t learned it, the company can correct the mistakes.

The strong point of the LMS is its ergonomic design. It enables companies to improve their training processes thanks to its precise results. Nevertheless, it is more expensive than LXP.

The strong point of the LMS is that it enables companies to compare results easily, thanks to its ergonomic design. What’s more, it’s sophisticated and delivers precise results.


5. Is the LXP solution right for your project?


The LXP solution is right for your project if you’re involved in any of the following areas:

– software development;

– corporate IT;

– education;

– training;

– industry.

6. Is the LMS solution right for your project?


The LMS solution is right for your project if you work in the following areas:

– industry;

– education;

– training.


This article has helped you to understand the different solutions available, and to deduce what features they all have in common.

The LXP solution and the LMS solution are similar in many ways, but they are also very different. In fact, LXP is a solution aimed at companies with no advanced IT knowledge. Those who have already used an LMS can turn to LXP to offer their users even more features.

The LX, on the other hand, is aimed at companies that have already used an LMS and need a tool to manage more than just their training.

This solution is therefore extremely useful for those working in education and training. In fact, it allows different information modules to be centralized in a single tool.

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