
Blended learning: move into the modern era of training. ( second part )

5. Blended learning solutions


These solutions enable companies to save on their training investments. Blended learning saves on travel and accommodation costs. Learners can follow the course from home or at their place of work. Costs associated with hosting trainees, such as catering, accommodation and maintenance, are therefore eliminated.

Blended learning enables companies to mobilize a larger number of learners. Companies can distribute online training courses to all their employees, whose number is often limited to around ten for a single program. Companies can thus train more learners and reduce training time.

The benefits of blended learning for companies

Integrating e-learning into the company’s training plan reduces training time. Trainees can follow the online course at their own pace, and take the time to revise when necessary.

Companies can also save time and money on travel and accommodation costs. Learners can follow the course from home or at work. Learners no longer have to travel, and can follow the course from their office or home.

Online training is also much more flexible. Companies can decide on training duration, content, teaching methods and resources. Learners are not required to have a computer, as they can follow the course from an online training center, for example.

The benefits of blended learning for learners

Learners can follow their training at their own pace and take the time they need to revise when they feel like it. Learners can go to the library or the e-learning center to revise subjects that they are struggling with or are not yet familiar with.

Again with the aim of improving their skills, learners can chat with other learners and their trainers. They can also ask the trainers questions if they haven’t understood the explanations.

The benefits of blended learning for companies

Online training can save companies a lot of money, as the cost of training is much lower. Trainers are paid less than in a classroom and have more time to devote to each learner.

Online training also enables us to reach a wider audience by traveling to a greater number of countries. For example, a French company can address a large European audience.

Finally, online training also enables learners to develop their skills and acquire new knowledge and skills very easily.

However, there are a few drawbacks to this type of training, such as the lack of contact with teachers, and the absence of human interlocutors who can be of benefit to learners.

Blended learning is a highly beneficial solution that will enable many people to develop their skills and acquire new knowledge, especially as this method saves money on training.


6. A global approach


First, establish your goals and expectations with your employees. Make sure there is a consensus on the company’s and the team’s training objectives. The first step is to identify what you want employees to learn. Next, make sure these are goals that make sense for your company and your team.

For blended learning to work, employees need to be motivated to take part in the training and get a return on their investment. Employees need to understand that blended learning is a formalized way of receiving learning.

Secondly, define your needs in terms of human resources. Blended learning requires resources for designing activities, evaluating results and managing a training program. You need to know whether you have the resources in-house or whether you need to recruit from outside.

Thirdly, define your time requirements. Blended learning requires a great deal of time for the design, production and self-assessment of activities. You need to know how much time you can devote to training, and when.

Fourth, plan your training activities. You need to know when activities are to be created, produced and delivered to participants.

Fifth, define your support needs. Blended learning can be a difficult process for your organization’s employees. So you need to consider the resources needed to help you ensure that employees understand blended learning and get positive results from their activities.

Sixth, plan your follow-up activities. Blended learning requires the commitment of participants. Employees need to be kept informed of progress and encouraged to achieve results. Plan your follow-up activities with your employees so that they can achieve the desired results.

Even if you use blended learning tools, you’ll still need a balanced work environment. Employees need to sit down in small groups to discuss new information and cooperate with colleagues.


7. Inject fun into training


In recent years, stand-alone training tools have become very popular. They can be used to boost employee motivation and help them acquire the skills they need. However, these are not the only tools that can help employees. Employees can also take advantage of fun tools to improve the quality of their learning.

Here are a few examples of fun tools that can be used in your training environment:

Internal feedback games

Internal feedback games give employees the opportunity to learn how to work together and get to know their colleagues. This approach is particularly useful for employees who work in teams, as they can develop stronger team relationships and gain the trust of their colleagues.

In this tool, employees must collaborate with their colleagues to find solutions to a problem. This approach enables employees to gain recognition from their colleagues and learn to work together.

These games give employees the opportunity to learn how to manage other people and understand their experiences. This approach is particularly useful for employees with managerial responsibilities.

These games give employees the opportunity to learn how to manage other people and understand their experiences. This approach is particularly useful for employees with managerial responsibilities.

8. Blended learning: some practical examples


Interest in blended learning has grown steadily over the years. Today, this form of online training continues to develop and diversify. Here are a few concrete examples of blended learning in management and leadership training.


Leadership training for managers: is it possible to learn online?


In this course, participants learn how to be a good manager and how to improve their management skills. They are encouraged to reflect on their role as managers and on the skills needed to develop effective, well-functioning teams.

The aim of this training course is to strengthen participants’ managerial skills, so that they can take charge of their teams and thus enhance their well-being and performance.

The training is delivered by a coach who guides the participants, and takes place in several stages.

Stages of leadership training for managers :


A presentation of the course, including its background and the purpose of learning.

Exercises for participants to reflect on their role as manager and what makes a good manager.

Accompaniment by a coach who comments on participants’ answers and helps them understand how they see themselves as leaders.

Exercises to put into practice the essential skills needed to be a good manager, and to improve team well-being and performance.

A feedback period to learn from the training in relation to the work environment.


The benefits of leadership training for managers :

Participants learn to reconcile their needs with those of their teams. They develop skills that enable them to express themselves with confidence, develop their leadership skills and assert their goals. They also learn how to help others express themselves and feel involved.

They also learn to manage conflicts and difficult situations, make decisions more easily and adapt to their environment.

Finally, they develop skills that enable them to go further and take a broader view of their role.

Individual coaching workshops are added to the training. Participants can enter alone, in pairs or in groups. The benefits of individual coaching workshops :

A time for the participants, the coach and the training organizer to talk about the skills to be developed.

Work on theoretical exercises to help integrate what has been learned during the training.

A personalized analysis of the participant’s needs by the coach.

Access to all other training resources offered by the organizer (website, documents, etc.).

For more information and to register for our training course, please click here.

Stress, leadership and conflict management training is a generalist course designed to develop skills in a number of areas. Participants acquire theoretical knowledge which they can then apply in their everyday lives. They develop skills that enable them to adapt to changes in their environment. The training aims to enable participants to improve as individuals, in the professional, personal and social fields.

Conclusion on blended learning


Blended learning has its advantages and disadvantages. We’ve described the most important of these in this article. This training method is a good compromise between face-to-face and online training. It offers the possibility of working during the training period, which makes training more interesting and enjoyable. Collaboration between participants facilitates their learning, by developing their ability to work together.

Blended learning enables participants to take notes using their own personal resources. The course is easier to follow and accessible to a larger number of participants. Online training is an important part of blended learning, but face-to-face training should not be neglected. Face-to-face training allows participants to be supervised by an instructor. She helps them develop their confidence and motivation.

Blended learning offers a good compromise between face-to-face and online training. It allows participants to learn for themselves, and encourages collaborative work between participants.

Blended learning, as the name suggests, is a mixture of face-to-face and online training. Most online training courses are distance learning.

Blended learning, on the other hand, is integrated into face-to-face training. Blended learning gives participants the flexibility to choose which part of the training they want to follow face-to-face and which part they want to follow online.

Blended learning also offers participants non-financial benefits such as training flexibility.

The use of blended learning depends very much on the organization, context and purpose of the training. Blended learning is not a one-size-fits-all solution for every organization and every training course. It’s a good idea for the organization to determine exactly what their training needs are, and what their objectives are. Then it will determine which training method is most appropriate.

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