Life at work

Karpman’s theory and its influence on our behavior

Karpman’s theory is based on human behavior. These are determined by a chain of interlocking events. This process is known as the “cyclical movement of victims and rescuers”. In this chain, the role of victim is usually played by the patient, that of savior by the doctor.

To understand the chain process, it is necessary to understand the roles and functions that each of these players plays in the process.


1. How to use Karpman’s theory


The therapist can use Karpman’s theory as an observation tool to identify the role played by each player in the process. This tool can also be used to determine whether the role played by each stakeholder is appropriate to the situation (i.e. whether the roles are in line with reality).

Therapists can also use this tool to understand their patients’ mechanisms. This theory helps us to understand why patients behave the way they do.

Finally, this tool enables us to predict patients’ reactions to the therapist’s (or rescuer’s) intervention.

The various protagonists and their functions are as follows:

The patient: who represents the person who needs to be saved. The patient has a problem. He is also the one who turns to the healer.

The rescuer: the person who will intervene to help the patient. He is also the one who will take charge of the patient’s problem.

The persecutor: who represents the person who is responsible for the patient’s situation. The persecutor is usually a very powerful person, who can have a great influence on the patient.

The victim: who represents the patient’s problem. The victim can be an object (like a dog), or a person (like his enemy).

Friends: the savior’s helpers. They are very close to him, and will help him in his rescue mission.

The enemy: representing obstacles to the Savior’s mission. In general, the patient will become the savior’s enemy, because he doesn’t want to be cured. Friends can also be seen as enemies.

The patient’s mother: representing the person who gave birth to the patient.


3. The consequences of Karpman’s theory


The application of Karpman’s theory has had a decisive influence on behavior therapy. Interventions based on game theory have been created, and have been used to help patients with different types of problems.

Systemic therapy has also been influenced by this theory. It is very similar to behavioral therapy, but takes into account group dynamics and other factors not taken into account by behavioral therapy.

Karpman’s theory is widely applied in family therapy, and is also used in individual therapy.

4. The impact of Karpman’s theory on our behavior


Karpman’s theory has had an influence on psychology and psychotherapy, but it has also had an influence on our daily lives. Like all theories, it has its positive and negative consequences.

The positive consequences of Karpman’s theory

Karpman’s theory is used in behavior therapy, and in many other disciplines. It is widely used in psychology, psychiatry, education, hypnosis, systemic therapy and many other fields.

Karpman’s theory is used to help us understand group dynamics, and it helps us to know how to react when faced with difficult situations. It also lets us know what to expect from the reaction of a group or an individual.

The negative consequences of Karpman’s theory

  • Karpman’s theory is used in superhero adventures and horror films.
  • It’s used to scare people, to make people believe that others are bad, and that it’s better to stay away.
  • It is used in science fiction literature.
  • It is used in literature and philosophy to pose the problem of good and evil.

Karpman’s theory is used in many other fields.

Karpman’s theory is used to show that people are bad, that they will react according to their needs, and that this will lead to negative consequences. It’s as if Karpman’s theory expressed the problem of good and evil.

Karpman’s theory tells us that it’s better not to have relationships with others. This way, we don’t risk being betrayed, and we also don’t know about the betrayal of others.

This way, we won’t have any negative experiences.

Karpman’s theory tells us that it’s better to be a hero, but it also shows us that it can be difficult or that there are risks of being betrayed.

In Karpman’s theory, it’s possible to play the roles of victim, hero and manipulator. The victim can be a person or a country, the hero can be a person or a country, and the manipulator can be a person or a country.

Conclusion on Karpman’s triangle

Karpman’s theory is very useful for understanding human relationships. It shows us that human beings are similar and different.

At the same time, it shows us that we do similar and different things.

It also shows us that we can choose how we behave. We can choose to be victims, heroes or manipulators. We can also choose to change roles.

In our lives, there are many relationships. There are relationships with other human beings, relationships with nature, relationships with objects.

We need to understand the relationships between human beings, between human beings and nature, and between human beings and objects. That’s why Karpman’s theory is so useful.

We have many different experiences in our lives. There are positive and negative experiences. We can use these experiences to move forward in our lives.

We need to understand the relationships between human beings, between human beings and nature, and between human beings and objects.

That’s why Karpman’s theory is so useful.