
The ultimate guide to creating landing pages that convert.

Creating a landing page is a quick and easy way to increase your website traffic and boost your sales. However, there are a number of mistakes to be avoided to ensure the success of these pages. So here’s the ultimate guide to creating landing pages that convert.

1. What is a landing page?


A landing page is a web page designed to convert a visitor into a customer. It’s designed to be the most effective way of getting a prospect to reach his or her goal.

Before creating a landing page, it’s important to know what goals you want to achieve with it, and how you can achieve them.

For example, if your aim is to generate more traffic or conversions, it’s best to use traffic-generating tools such as AdWords campaigns (i.e. advertisements) or viral marketing.

However, if your aim is to increase sales or customer engagement, it’s best to create a landing page. The good news is that you can do both at the same time.

A landing page is a powerful tool that has many advantages for your website and your business. It allows you to capture prospects’ attention and convert them into customers, increasing your website’s conversion rate.

However, a landing page is more than just a website with text and images: it’s a marketing tool. That’s why it’s important to create the best possible landing page that matches your objectives and needs.

This guide will take you through the simple, easy-to-follow process of creating a landing page that converts.

2. Why create landing pages?


A landing page is a marketing tool that enables you to attract visitors to your website to earn money or increase the number of subscribers.

The main objective of a landing page is to increase subscriptions to your mailing list and sales. You can also use a landing page to collect personal information from your customers.

Here are a few reasons why you should have a landing page on your website:

  • Increase traffic to your site
  • Increase your company’s visibility
  • Increase your sales
  • Increase the number of subscribers to your mailing list
  • Increase the number of customers
  • Increase conversion of prospects into customers

3. How to create landing pages


1. Start by defining your objectives


First of all, you need to define your objectives. It’s important to know what you want before you can achieve your goals. Think carefully about what you want and what will help you achieve your goal before you commit to any expenditure.

2. Make a plan


Now that you’ve defined your goals, it’s time to make them a reality. You need to define a plan of action and the resources required to achieve it. Make sure your action plan is tailored to your objectives, otherwise you risk being ineffective.

3. Find a place for your landing page


Once you’ve defined your objectives and drawn up an action plan, it’s time to find a place for your landing page. You need to choose the right place for your page to be visible and accessible. For example, you can choose a referencing site, an ad site or a blog.

Create a landing page

Once you’ve defined your target audience, your action plan and the medium for your landing page, it’s time to create the page. You can do this on your own, but you can also call on the help of a specialist by contacting our web agency. Once you’ve created the page, all that’s left to do is put it online on the dedicated site.

Now that you’ve got all the information you need to create a landing page, you’re ready to create your own page and achieve your goals. Remember, the best results don’t come overnight. It takes time and patience to promote your page and win customers.


4. The secret recipe for a successful landing page


You’ve created your page and put it online. What’s next? How do you get your visitors to sign up for your newsletter, join your contact list or download your ebook? One of the keys to success is to use a landing page that corresponds exactly to the profile of your visitors. That’s why it’s important to know their behavior and habits.

Personalized marketing is based on the information you have about your target audience, enabling you to identify their needs, wants, interests and preferences. The good news is that you can use your visitors’ personal data to create a landing page that suits them.

The first step is to create a profile of your ideal customer, by analyzing all the elements concerning their person, lifestyle and habits. It’s not unusual for you to learn more about him than you thought.

The second step is to carry out market research to determine the expectations and behavior of visitors to your site. This gives you useful information, such as the frequency with which they visit your site or their browsing habits.

The third step is to analyze your visitors’ IP addresses and browsers. This information enables you to identify their geographical location and their Internet browser.

The fourth step is to create a profile of each visitor’s browsing habits, in order to identify what they have in common with your key customers. This gives you a clearer picture of your target and enables you to fine-tune your offer according to their interests.

The final step is to know how to communicate with your potential customers and how to position yourself in relation to them.

That’s why it’s essential to identify your ideal customer, as this will enable you to refine your strategy and define your market positioning.

The 6 steps to identifying your ideal customer :


1 – Define your marketing target

To achieve your objectives, it’s essential to clearly define your target. You have to know who wants you and why.

First, you need to define your company’s sector of activity. This step is important because it defines the scope of your potential market. You can define your target at a very broad level, such as “companies”, or at a very precise level, such as “companies in sector X in France”.

Once you’ve defined your company’s sector of activity, you can define your target within that sector. For example, you could say that your target audience is “restaurateurs” or “restaurant owners in the Paris region”.

Even if you start from a wide area, it’s not always easy to find customers. That’s why it’s important to set goals based on your target audience. For example, if you define your target as “restaurateurs in the Paris region”, you can define an objective as “sales generated by restaurateurs in the Paris region”.

You can also define a target audience based on your product. You might say that your target is “restaurateurs who need a solution to automate their catering”.

2 – Define your ideal customer

Beyond your target, you also need to define how you see your ideal customer.

To do this, you need to consider the characteristics of the business you want to develop. You’ll wonder what a good customer means to you. For example, you could answer the following question:

“What does a good customer mean to me?”

It could be a company that needs your product at the right time. Or a company that has the resources to finance the cost of your product without foregoing other investments.

Also ask yourself what you need to win your customer, for example:

“What service can I provide for my customers?”

To answer this question, you need to have defined your added value as an entrepreneur. You can use your personal experience as a reference. What was your added value for your customers? You can also use your expertise as a reference. What skills would you like to make available to your customers?

You can also list the key points of the service you will provide to your customers:

“What is the service I want to offer my customers?”

This can be a whole range of services or products that you offer your customers. For example:

– Advice on your project;

– A support service to help you set up your project;

– Assistance in developing your project;

– A training service to get your project off the ground;

– A website creation service.

You can also create a list of your products:

“What products do I want to offer my customers?”

It can also be a whole range of products that you sell to your customers. For example:

– A consulting product for your project;

– A product to help you set up your project;

– A product to help you develop your project;

– A training product to get your project off the ground;

– A website creation product.

You can also define your financial objective: “What returns do I want?”

It’s possible to draw up a list of the various returns you’d like to offer your customers. For example:

– Hourly rate ;

– A price list for setting up your project;

– A fee to support your project;

– A price for assistance in developing your project;

– A price for a training service to launch your project;

– A prize for website creation.

You can also define your business objective: “How many customers do I want?”

It’s possible to draw up a list with the different quantities you’d like to have in operation. For example:

– 1 customer per month ;

– 3 customers per month ;

– 5 customers per month ;

– 10 customers per month ;

– 20 customers per month ;

– 50 customers per month ;

– 100 customers per month.

You can also define your sales target: “How many customers do I want?

You can draw up a list of the different quantities you want to sell. For example:

– 1,000 € sales per month ;

– 3,000 € sales per month ;

– 5,000 € sales per month ;

– 10,000 € sales per month ;

– 20,000 € sales per month ;

– 50,000 in sales per month ;

– 100,000 in sales per month.

You can also define your audience objective: “How many customers do I want?”

You can draw up a list with the different quantities you wish to have in your audience. For example:

– 1,000 unique visitors per month ;

– 3,000 unique visitors per month ;

– 5,000 unique visitors per month ;

– 10,000 unique visitors per month ;

– 20,000 unique visitors per month ;

– 50,000 unique visitors per month ;

– 100,000 unique visitors per month.

You can also define your purchasing objective: “How many customers do I want?

You can draw up a list of the different quantities you wish to purchase. For example:

– 1 purchase per month ;

– 3 purchases per month ;

– 5 purchases per month ;

– 10 purchases per month ;

– 20 purchases per month ;

– 50 purchases per month ;

– 100 purchases per month.

You can also define your subscriber target: “How many customers do I want?”

You can create a list with the different quantities you wish to have in subscribers. For example:

– 1 subscriber per month ;

– 3 subscribers per month ;

– 5 subscribers per month ;

– 10 subscribers per month;

You can also define your page view objective: “How many times do I want my pages to be visited?”

It’s possible to create a list with the different quantities you’d like to have in page views. For example:

– 1,000 page views per month ;

– 3,000 page views per month ;

– 5,000 page views per month ;

– 10,000 page views per month.

Finally, it’s possible to draw up a list with the different quantities you’d like to have in revenue: “How much revenue do I want?”

You can draw up a list with the different quantities you wish to have in revenue. For example:

– 1,000 euros income per month;

– 3,000 euros income per month;

– 5,000 euros income per month;

– 10,000 a month.

5. Split testing (A/B testing)


A/B testing is the technique of testing two variants of the same content to determine which is more successful.

To do this, you write two versions of the same content, identical in all respects except for the content title.

If you’ve chosen variant A and you find that the number of clicks is lower than for variant B, you can then modify your title to find out which is more successful.

This can be a very interesting technique, but it does require a considerable amount of time. Ideally, therefore, it should be carried out with a bit of distance from the action, i.e. at the moment when you’re writing your content.

You need to ask yourself what goals you want to achieve with your content, and what results you want to achieve.

For example, if your objective is to increase click-through rates to boost your advertising revenues, you can write two versions of the same content that differ in title. You then work on version A and set up an A/B test.

After a while, you look at the results and modify your title if necessary. At this point, you can perform the same exercise with version B.

It’s a time-consuming exercise, but one that will give you a good idea of which version is the right one.

Why opt for A/B testing?

The main advantage of A/B testing is knowing what works and what doesn’t. This gives you an idea of what users want to see on your site, and enables you to improve it.

It’s also possible to evaluate several options at the same time, allowing you to assess their effectiveness both qualitatively and quantitatively.

On the contrary, if you don’t test your site, you’ll never know which version works best, and you’ll have no idea what users want to see on your site.

A/B testing is an excellent way to avoid being completely in the dark, whether it’s about the quality of your content, the way it’s presented or the way it’s structured.

In conclusion about A/B testing

A/B testing is an extremely useful technique for knowing how to write content for a website, but it does require a considerable investment of time.

6. Which tools to use?


The best-known and most widely used tool for A/B testing is Google Analytics. You can track the results of your test and even view the conclusion in real time. Once you’ve chosen version A and version B, you can see whether it works or not.

With Google AdWords, you can test different content formats to see which version generates the highest click-through rate.

You can also use Google Content Experiments. It’s a tool for evaluating SEO experiences, such as link campaigns, but also content.

In this case, you can target different groups of people. For example, if you want to know how to write content that your customers read so that you can convert them into customers, you can target age, gender and other variables.

You can view the results in real time and see who’s reading your content the most. It’s great because you can tailor your content to ensure that everyone reads it.


As you can see, it’s time to take action and try out different methods to attract customers.

You can use both Google AdWords and Facebook sponsored content.

The key is to try out different content formats and follow the method that works best.

If you have any questions, please visit our website www.instants-web-agency.fr

Article source: www.instants-web-formation.fr