Development Web-marketing

Design Mobile 2022 : The Practical Guide

Websites tend to grow exponentially. Google recently published a study showing that, on average, websites already account for 70% of mobile traffic, with the remainder represented by mobile applications. The number of websites has increased by around 30% per year.

While most websites are still adapted to mobile screens, it turns out that most websites are not enhanced for mobile screens. Websites are the most popular form of user experience (UX) on the Internet, and their content is usually determined by decision-makers who have no control over how the consumer uses them.

Mobile consumers tend to be harder to reach and retain than their online counterparts. What’s more, more and more consumers are using tablets and smartphones. With an annual growth rate of 7%, smartphones now account for over 50% of all mobile devices. In the future, there should be a reduction in the size difference between mobile and PC screens.

A study recently published by Google on how consumers consume web content on mobile devices provides clues as to how consumers use web content on mobile devices.

Consumers tend to be more sensitive to usability issues on mobile screens than on PC screens

The study results show that consumers are more sensitive to usability issues on mobile screens. Usability issues that didn’t bother consumers in their use of websites on PCs did bother consumers on mobile devices.

Similarly, when using a mobile device to access web content, consumers were more likely not to continue browsing the website due to a usability issue than when using a PC.

Consumers using mobile devices want more elaborate and interactive functionalities

As consumers are more sensitive to usability issues on mobile screens, they are looking for more useful features on the websites they visit. When they use mobile devices, they want access to the same functionalities and services that their website purchases enable.

Consumers using mobile devices also want more elaborate and interactive functionalities. They are more likely to want features such as synchronization of identity information, notification of sales and promotions, and the ability to compare prices from different stores. They also want more sophisticated features for sending and receiving personal messages and phone calls.


1. Introduction to mobile design


Mobile design must always remain simple and intuitive, as consumers are concerned about the problems of using mobile screens.

Breakdown by mobile screen size

Screen size breakdowns are based on horizontal and vertical screen resolution. A screen is said to be in “portrait” format if it is more than 800 pixels wide and less than 1024 pixels high. A screen is said to be in “landscape” format if it is more than 1024 pixels wide and less than 800 pixels high.

An interesting feature for developers is to display a high-definition image when visitors use their mobile device in portrait format, and a low-definition image when they use their screen in landscape format. Tablets and laptops can display the same image in high definition, whatever the screen size, but this can be a problem on cell phones, which have different resolutions depending on their screen size.

Developers must also take into account the difference between horizontal and vertical resolution. In fact, when the camera is in portrait mode, vertical resolution is always higher than horizontal resolution. On a touchscreen tablet, vertical resolution is equal to horizontal resolution when the latter is greater than 1024 pixels. On a laptop, the screen is “portrait” and the horizontal resolution is always higher than the vertical resolution.

Developers also need to be aware that computer and tablet screens are larger than those of cell phones. As a result, they must use a lower resolution if their web page is to be displayed on a laptop or tablet.

2. Mobile Web trends


Unfortunately, the mobile Web is still far from having the same longevity as the classic Web. Cell phone screen resolutions and mobile browser performance are still fairly limited. What’s more, use of the mobile Web is still relatively limited.

But despite these constraints, the mobile Web is really taking off. Cell phones are becoming increasingly powerful, and their screens bigger and bigger. Mobile browsers also integrate additional functionalities such as localization (to display relevant information) and video.

This shift from basic mobile Internet to increasingly complex and diversified use is why developers need to be aware of these Mobile Web trends. If their page doesn’t take mobile web trends into account, it will quickly lose value.

Features of the mobile Web


Navigation on cell phones is slower and less intuitive. Users also expect simpler, faster and more active information pages. Numerous tools have been developed to meet the needs of the mobile Web. These include navigation, content generation, compression and format conversion tools.

Navigation tools


Mobile Web users expect fast, lightweight pages. HTML5 and CSS3 technologies can help you achieve these goals. A good example is the use of the elements <section> and <article>. These elements can be used to build lighter pages, while offering more intuitive navigation for users. Tools such as jQuery Mobile and Sencha Touch are also very useful, as they enable the use of native elements while offering users a native experience.

Navigation on cell phones is slower and less intuitive. Users also expect simpler, faster and more active information pages. Numerous tools have been developed to meet the needs of the mobile Web. These include navigation, content generation, compression and format conversion tools.

3. What is UX design?


UX design (or user experience design) is the set of means used to meet the needs, expectations and cognitive requirements of users. It is the most important area of computer design, because it determines the quality of a product, even if it is often confused with graphic design. UX design focuses on the interactions between users and the interfaces used to interact with a system.

The aim of UX design is to create a user experience that is not only pleasant and effective, but also unique.

Every element of the interface must meet the reader’s needs, expectations and cognitive requirements. Websites are interfaces that enable users to satisfy their needs and desires. User experience design focuses on creating a website that is pleasant, effective and useful for the user.

4. The 5 stages of UX design creation


1. Define objectives


Defining objectives is a process that begins long before you start designing a website. When you create a website, you want to give users a pleasant, efficient experience and help people achieve their goals. User experience design is a method that enables designers to define objectives and ensure that interface elements meet users’ needs, expectations and cognitive requirements.

The User Needs Analysis (UX) method consists in identifying users’ essential objectives, which will enable the website to achieve its goals.


2. Define users


Objectives can be classified according to users:

– End users: end users are those who visit the website. These users are the real target audience of the website.

– Intermediate users: intermediate users are those who help end-users achieve their objectives. Intermediate users include those involved in website design, such as design and development teams, marketing teams, end-users, and so on.

3. Develop personas


Personas are fictional characters representing end-users. They help to understand end-users’ objectives and expectations, providing information that enables end-users’ needs to be met.

Identify end-users : Identify end-users’ needs, motivations and objectives. This information can be gathered through their own studies, through research into past experiences, or through focus groups.

Develop personas : Personas are fictional characters representing end-users. They help to understand end-users’ objectives and expectations, providing information that enables end-users’ needs to be met. Personas are based on the study of end-users as well as other people who might be involved in the design of the website. Personas can be developed in many different ways, as in the case of Web personas with a human face.

– Implement personas: Personas need to be implemented in the user interface, so that end-users can identify with them. In addition, it’s important to be able to implement personas in many other aspects of website design, such as the design of your press releases, the design of your sales materials and the design of your marketing.

Using personas to improve the website: Personas can be used to identify end-user expectations. It’s important to keep in mind that the website is a tool for end-users, not a tool for you. For this reason, it’s important to use personas to improve your website, and not simply to adjust the user interface according to your preferences.

Finding use cases: Using personas helps us better understand use cases, which is very important in finding the right design, user interface and functionality to meet end-users’ expectations. Although personas can help identify use cases, it’s important to bear in mind that they cannot be used to determine what end-users are looking for, as they are based on fictitious personalities and situations.

Developing a new product: Personas can be used to prepare the creation of a product, as they are essential for understanding use cases and identifying needs. They can also be used to determine the choice of functionality, user interface and design.

Selecting personnel: Personas can be used to select the people likely to work on a project. In this way, we can choose people with skills and interests similar to those of the personas. Personas can help determine whether a person is the best candidate for the job, and they can be used to communicate with them more effectively.

Establish marketing and sales strategies: Personas can be used to establish a product’s marketing and sales strategy, as they help identify customer segments and user needs.

Establish a development strategy: Personas can be used to establish a product development strategy, as they help determine how a product can meet user needs.

Develop a marketing strategy: Personas can be used to establish a product’s marketing strategy, as they help determine how users perceive a product and why they use it.

Develop a sales strategy: Personas can be used to establish the sales strategy for a product, as they help determine which distribution and sales channels should be used.


4. Gather and analyze information to create a personalized mock-up for a customer or product user.


Personas can be created either through direct observation or by developing profiles using questionnaires and user surveys. For example, if a web designer wants to establish the marketing and sales strategy for a new product he’s going to develop, he might use an online questionnaire sent to potential users to identify their preferences and the reasons why they use a product.

5. Mock-up, integrate and test the product.


Once the user profile has been created, designers can use this information to create the product mock-up or user interface. The mock-up design method uses the same methodology as during product development. The product mock-up allows you to visualize functionality before the product is made available to users.

Personas can be used in user interface design, as a means of highlighting the expectations of users of a website or software, and determining the best strategies for generating sales.

5. Mistakes to avoid when launching a mobile application

Avoid design errors that could lead to additional costs for the mobile application.

The mobile application must meet users’ expectations and, at the same time, be a profitable product for the supplier. The mobile application developer must take into account several factors that can influence development costs and the success of the mobile application.

Failure to take the following factors into account in the mobile app design process can have a negative impact on the mobile app’s profitability.

1. Use the right programming language

The language used to design the mobile application is the key to a successful mobile application. Mobile applications need to meet user expectations, and at the same time be profitable for the supplier. The reason why a mobile application is successful or not, is linked to the qualities of the content. Using the right language for the design of the mobile application, and one that is used by users, will increase the popularity of the mobile application and thus its chances of success.

The language used to design the mobile application is the key to a successful mobile application. Mobile applications need to meet user expectations, and at the same time be profitable for the supplier. The reason why a mobile application is successful or not, is linked to the qualities of the content. Using the right language for the design of the mobile application, and one that is used by users, will increase the popularity of the mobile application and thus its chances of success.

2.find the quality code

The use of quality code in the design of the mobile application helps to ensure that the application operates according to all established standards and rules. Users like mobile applications that meet standards and have good code. These applications are more likely to succeed.

The use of quality code in the design of the mobile application helps to ensure that the application operates according to all established standards and rules. Users like mobile applications that meet standards and have good code. These applications are more likely to succeed.

3.use the right software

Using the right software in mobile app development helps to design mobile apps that meet all standards and rules. The use of quality software in mobile app development is a very important part of mobile app design.

Using the right software in mobile app development helps to design mobile apps that meet all standards and rules. The use of quality software in mobile app development is a very important part of mobile app design.

4.use the right resources

The right resources in mobile app design help to design mobile apps that meet all established standards and rules. Users like mobile applications that meet standards and have good code. These applications are more likely to succeed.

Using the right resources also reduces risk and saves time and money.


When designing a mobile application, it’s important to consider all the points mentioned in this article. By using the right resources in mobile application design, we can design mobile applications that meet all established standards and rules.

This can help improve the company’s reputation and increase the number of customers.

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