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The savior syndrome: between altruism and egocentricity

You may be familiar with savior syndrome, even if you’ve never heard of it before. It’s the feeling we all get when we want to “save” someone or a situation. We want to feel useful and good, and we’re willing to do a lot – too much – to achieve this goal. But savior syndrome can also be a little more complex than that. It’s a form of altruism mixed with more egocentric motives.

1. Who exactly is the savior syndrome?

Perhaps you’ve heard of savior syndrome and are wondering what it is exactly? Well, savior syndrome is a behavior that consists of wanting to “save” others by taking on their problems and responsibilities. People with this syndrome are generally very empathetic people who want to help others, but end up getting too involved and forgetting their own needs. They may help others out of altruism, but they are not aware of the

People who think they have to save others

It’s because savior syndrome is a bad personality that you need to take care not to get caught up in it.

It can enable you to do very good things, but it can also lead you to push yourself too far, to risk going too far and putting yourself in danger.

So it’s important to control yourself and stay within the limits of your role.

They feel they must sacrifice for others

When you suffer from savior syndrome, you think you have to sacrifice yourself for others. This can be quite difficult, especially if you feel obliged to always act this way.

However, you must remember that you don’t always have to sacrifice yourself for others. You have the right to stop and take time for yourself.

They’re exhausted solving other people’s problems

When you’re dealing with all the problems of others, you can become exhausted and even end up feeling uncomfortable. That’s why you need to make sure you don’t take on all the problems of others.

If you do, you can also end up feeling uncomfortable. That’s why you need to find the right balance in your day-to-day life, so you can feel better.

They don’t trust others

The savior syndrome also applies to people who have little confidence in others. This is important, because they can’t rely on others and are therefore always forced to do everything themselves.

In fact, they may even find it hard to tolerate other people doing work similar to their own.

They can’t say no

When you work with a savior, you need to know that he’s incapable of saying no. This can lead him to make bad decisions without necessarily meaning to.

As a result, you should always take the time to consult and listen to him. This is the only way to ensure that he makes a decision that’s right for you.

They’re looking for a culprit

When it comes to finding someone to blame, the savior syndrome is at work. It’s a kind of defense mechanism that makes you focus on the other person. This allows you to avoid confronting the truth.

You focus on the culprit and attribute all your faults to him. It’s a technique that lets you off the hook.

2. The savior syndrome: a social problem

People who suffer from savior syndrome tend to sacrifice themselves for the well-being of others, taking on other people’s problems and worrying about them before thinking about themselves. It’s a problem in today’s society, because people who suffer from this syndrome put their mental and physical health at risk. These people can feel exhausted, depressed and even stressed. People who suffer from saviour syndrome are often people who are very

Help others

If you want to help others, you need to feel comfortable with the idea. If you’re not comfortable, you may feel uncomfortable helping others.

If you have savior syndrome, you also need to learn to accept that you can make mistakes. It can be hard to accept that you might be wrong, because you always think you’re right.

A social problem

The savior syndrome is a societal problem. It’s particularly easy to identify.

Indeed, anyone can easily recognize those who suffer from savior syndrome. Indeed, the latter are very good friends and can even be considered close friends.

However, when these people are in a relationship, they may be very close to their partner. They may even be too close.


Everyone has a good side, so don’t feel guilty if you’ve behaved in a way that may seem dangerous.

It’s important not to feel guilty about everything, but to feel guilty about feeling guilty. It’s paradoxical, but it’s common sense.

A helping hand

When you find yourself in a difficult situation, you may be tempted to help others. This may give you a certain amount of satisfaction, but you have to remember that you also have to help yourself.

So you need to make sure you don’t get overwhelmed by work. This could cause you to lose all your energy and not be able to take care of yourself.

Savior syndrome is a disease

Savior syndrome is a disease that affects a large number of people. For the latter, it’s a question of wanting to help everyone and feeling responsible for certain people.

This can sometimes make you very tired, and you may even feel overwhelmed. That’s why it’s so important to take care of yourself and your health.

3. The savior syndrome: how to get out of it?

Savior syndrome is a psychological condition that makes some people feel compelled to always save others. They feel a sense of obligation and responsibility towards others, and are always ready to help. However, this behavior can have negative effects on the rescuer himself and on those he is trying to save. If you recognize yourself in this behavior, here are a few tips to help you overcome savior syndrome and regain your equilibrium.

Not caring about other people’s problems

If you start looking after other people’s problems, you run the risk of not having enough time to look after your own.

That’s why you should always make sure you don’t get involved in other people’s problems. This will allow you to focus on your own problems.

Answer questions only

If you’re a specialist in a certain field, you’ve probably heard questions on this subject from your customers. That doesn’t mean you have to answer them all.

Most of the time, you can simply explain that you can’t answer every question and that you can’t answer every message.

Don’t put yourself forward

When we put ourselves forward, it’s often to get people to notice us.

You must remember that you are not the center of the universe. You must therefore remain modest and not put yourself forward too much,

4. The savior syndrome: how to develop without the savior syndrome?

Savior syndrome is a behavior characterized by feeling responsible for others and wanting to help them at all costs. This feeling can be very powerful, and you can often find yourself doing things you wouldn’t necessarily have chosen to do. In some cases, this can be very beneficial, but in others it can lead to negative consequences for yourself and others. So how can you develop your own personality without the

The disintegration of the self

When you have some form of authority over others, it can be difficult to know how to address them. So be careful not to stoop too low when talking to them.

That’s why you should always address your elements as equals, not as superiors.

Loss of self-confidence

When you’re in the world of work, it’s important to always have a little self-confidence. This gives you a feeling of security, so you can work better.

However, you must always be careful not to lose that confidence. If you feel unwell and unsafe, it can affect you and you can even lose control.

Denial of illness

It can sometimes be difficult to recognize that you’re suffering from savior syndrome, especially if you don’t have anyone else to compare yourself with.

But you can also be wrong, because the savior syndrome can apply to anyone.

However, it’s hard to be sure until you compare yourself to someone else.

Illness as punishment

When you have a problem, you can sometimes feel guilty about having a problem. You think you must have done something wrong for you to be sick.

If you’re sick, you may feel guilty. It can even make you feel guilty if you’re sick, but it’s not your fault.


The savior syndrome is a behavior we can all observe in ourselves and in others. Although it can be considered a form of altruism, it is often the result of self-centeredness and can even lead to psychological or social problems. The best way out is to become aware of the causes and consequences of this syndrome, and apply a series of practices to develop a more positive and balanced attitude towards others.