
Learn to perceive teamwork as a performance lever.

Effective collective teamwork is a performance driver for all. This means that at every stage of the creative process, every member of the group has to really bring something to the table. It’s important for the designer to develop a team spirit so that the people working alongside him or her can make the best possible contribution to the creative process.

To achieve this, we first need to develop a learning culture. In other words, the designer must be open to learning from his teams. He must also be open to listening to them and treating their ideas with respect. He must also question himself and doubt his intuitions.

Secondly, you have to be ready to question yourself and your intuition. This is a central point of what we’ve learned in the course of our research. It’s essential to be prepared not to be right, to step back and reassess your choices, and to go beyond your own convictions.

Finally, it’s very important to create a climate of trust between group members. People need to be able to express their ideas. They need to be able to be themselves and have their own personality. Finally, they need to be proud of what they do.


1.4 phases of the creativity process


As in other studies on creativity, we observed four key phases in the creative process:

1. Design


To develop an idea, you first have to imagine it. This is a crucial phase that requires a green and creative mind.


Then we have to choose one idea from all those that come to mind. You have to question yourself and your convictions to choose the best idea.


The next step is to imagine the implementation of the idea, and the successive stages of design.

Rethinking and realizing

Finally, we need to rethink the idea in order to implement it in all its complexity, and bring it to fruition.

From various studies, we can conclude that the creativity process is an active and conscious one. It’s a process in which we pay attention to ourselves and ask questions. It’s also an activity where you’re not passive. The idea can be left aside and we don’t have to think about it anymore, but in this case we can’t keep it in mind and it can be quickly forgotten.

So the creative process is an activity that demands concentration, rigor and attention. You need to stop your routine activities (thinking about something other than the current situation) and ask yourself some questions. You also have to keep the idea in mind and think about it again.

What is a creative idea?

A creative idea is one that is new, original and can be used. This idea must also be well thought-out and meet a need.

For an idea to be creative, it must meet these two criteria:

– Be original: this means that the idea must not already be known or known to someone else. The form of the idea may be new (a new way of expressing it, a new way of using it), but not the idea itself.

– Be usable: the idea must be usable, i.e. it must be possible to do something with it. So we’re more interested in how this idea can be used.

A creative idea is one that meets a need. For an idea to be creative, it must also meet these two criteria: be original and usable.

Why is creativity important?

Creativity is very important for scientific, technical, artistic and commercial activities. The process of creativity allows new ideas to emerge. This is an important step in product research and development. Creativity also enables us to innovate and improve certain processes.

The key to success is to stand back, i.e. to distance yourself from the problems and issues at hand. This allows unexpected ideas to emerge.

Let’s take the example of an engineer who faces certain difficulties when designing a new product. He can call on a creative person to find a solution. The first step is to define the problem, and then propose various improvement scenarios. Next, we need to choose the scenario that seems best suited to the situation, and finally, we need to find concrete, operational solutions to implement the chosen scenario.


2. Learning to work in a team


The team is an indispensable tool for carrying out projects. Everyone has their skills and knows how to use them to best effect. Sometimes you have to recognize your own limits and question yourself. It’s a tricky subject because it’s difficult to admit one’s own mistakes, but it’s one that helps us to progress and learn from our mistakes. Team training is therefore an important step in the creative process.

Learning to work independently


Autonomy is an important element for a creative person. He must be able to organize his work and priorities to be efficient. He must be able to manage his time rigorously in order to work efficiently. It’s important to remember that only the creative can determine his or her objectives, so it’s up to them to take charge and assume responsibility.

Learning to communicate


As Jean D’Ormesson once said, “knowledge is one thing, know-how is another, and knowing how to behave is yet another”. Know-how is very important in the creative profession. But he must be able to express it clearly and concisely to his interlocutors. That’s why communication is so important for a creative. He must be able to convey his ideas and his vision of the project to the team as well as to the customer.

Learn to communicate with the means at hand


Even if a creative has a certain budget for travel, it’s important to know how to use the available means of communication effectively. The means of communication have evolved considerably over the last twenty years. Email and social networks are essential tools for today’s creative professionals.

Learning to make decisions


“A person who is in control of their behavior can let things die down naturally,” explains the psychologist. In other words, and this is what emerges from our interviews with parents who have experienced the situation, if the child ceases to be interested in his object, his need is satisfied. “Parents feel that if they don’t put an end to the object, it will get worse.

The creative profession is often a one-man show. If you want to assert yourself in your field, you have to know how to make decisions. Creative people need to know how to make decisions when necessary. He may be called upon to take them if there is no consensus within his team, or to respond to an urgent request.

Learning to stand back


The creative person needs to surround himself with people who are close to him, and share his joys and sorrows with them. This will give him confidence, but he will also need to be able to stand back. “It can be a real ordeal, especially if you’re someone who’s rather self-centered, but it allows you not to be overwhelmed by your emotions and to take a step back, even if it’s difficult,” says Christine Guillaume.

“You have to know how to step back from yourself, even if it’s difficult. This allows you to refocus on what’s essential and give yourself the means to continue on your way. The creative person must also learn to trust other people. This will put him at ease in the company, because he’ll know he won’t always be alone.


2. Set common goals


“The creative team is like a family. All members of this family must work together to achieve a common goal, and share the same vision of the future”. The creative person is well aware of the objectives to be achieved, but he or she must bear in mind that these are not the only objectives that count. He must also know how to listen and make himself heard.

He also needs to trust himself. He needs to explain himself clearly and not let his emotions get the better of him.

“The creative person is not always appreciated. He has to keep in mind that the company’s creatives are important to everyone in the family. They need to know how to step back from themselves, even if it’s difficult. It helps to refocus on what you really want.

Creative people also need to know how to :

– define his place in relation to others and set a good example by not doing what he doesn’t want others to do;

– assess your own needs and those of others ;

– trusting oneself and others ;

– listening to others;

– take a step back from himself.


3. Find the right team


Creative people need a favorable environment. In their business, they are not always understood, so they need to be humble. They need to know how to assess their place in relation to others. It’s important to find the right team within the company with whom they can work as a team.

Here are a few thoughts and exchanges from various company players:

“The creative person needs a positive environment: people who share his vision and bring him enthusiasm. They need to know how to trust themselves and others. They also need to know how to assess their place in the team, and not be over-ambitious.

“You have to work as a team. You can’t do it alone. You have to be surrounded by a good group of people. I don’t know how it is with other people, but I’m very satisfied with my team. They’re intelligent and have a good sense of humor. I also have great respect for their skills. I have a lot of sympathy for them. I’m very happy that we’re working together. If I had to recommend anything, it would be to find a team where there’s mutual help, cooperation and where we can have fun together.

“For me, it’s very important to be part of a team. My work requires good collaboration. What’s more, I’m always delighted to see my teams get together and have a coffee. It’s a great morale booster.

“You have to work in a team. The ideal is to work in a team where there are very intelligent people. Of course, it’s better when these people can enlighten you. When they’re outgoing and pleasant, it’s even better. That’s something I’ve experienced in the past. I worked with a very intelligent and pleasant team. There was a lot of competition and humor between us.

“I can’t say that I want to be surrounded by a group of people who are smarter than me. I have great respect for people who are smarter than me. What’s more important is the quality of the relationships between the people on the team. For me, it’s very important to work in an environment where we can speak frankly to each other and where everyone wants to move in the same direction”.

“You have to try and work with people who are younger than you and have lots of ideas. In general, that’s good.

“We need people with an entrepreneurial spirit, in other words, people who are prepared to take risks and go the distance. These are the qualities we’re looking for.

“We need people who are motivated and optimistic. These are not people who are afraid to take risks. They are motivated to take risks, to try to do better than before, and to create new fields of activity”.


4. Coordinate team efforts


The skills required to coordinate team efforts differ according to the extent of coordination required. Simple coordination involves team members cooperating and collaborating, while complex coordination involves team members cooperating and collaborating, while sharing resources and performing specific tasks.

In the case of complex coordination, coordination is defined as the set of measures and actions that make it possible to achieve team coordination and cohesion, including measures such as team member selection, team member evaluation, training activities and information sharing.

In the case of simple coordination, coordination is defined as the set of measures and actions that enable the team to achieve common goals (Daft, 2008). Team coordination enables group members to work together, increasing productivity and performance.

Complex coordination involves team members cooperating and collaborating, sharing resources and carrying out specific tasks. When the team is interdependent, this means that everyone has to help the others achieve their goals.

This can include functions such as coordinating communication, competition, interdependence, interdependence, coordination and collaboration.

When team members interact with each other, they must respect each other’s consideration and expectations in their interactions. Interaction is a process that enables members of a group to collaborate and work together to achieve their common goals. This can include functions such as information coordination, competition, interaction and collaboration.

The coordination process coordinates the various tasks and activities that take place within a group or team. It can include functions such as development, organization, planning and control.

Remember that each team has its own context, components and environment. Strategies that work in one team may not work in another.

When team members interact with each other, they must respect each other’s consideration and expectations in their interactions. Interaction is a process that enables members of a group to collaborate and work together to achieve their common goals. This can include functions such as information coordination, competition, interaction and collaboration.


5. Sustaining results


The process of sustaining results includes functions such as assessment, monitoring and evaluation.

When team members call on both individual and collective resources and skills to achieve common goals, we speak of interaction. Interaction is a process that enables members of a group to collaborate and work together to achieve their common goals. This can include functions such as information coordination, competition, interaction and collaboration.

When team members analyze and assess the results obtained to determine whether they are positive or negative, this is called evaluation. Evaluation enables team members to take the necessary steps to improve their results.

6. Gain credibility


One of the main reasons why organizations need work processes is to gain credibility.

Helping team members help each other and collaborate to achieve positive results is what we call information coordination. When team members coordinate their efforts to achieve common goals, this is called coordination. Coordination enables members of a group to collaborate and work together to achieve their common goals. This can include functions such as information coordination, competition, interaction and collaboration.

When team members analyze and assess the results obtained to determine whether they are positive or negative, this is called evaluation. Evaluation enables team members to take the necessary steps to improve their results.

When team members coordinate their efforts to achieve common goals, and analyze and evaluate the results obtained, we speak of a work process.


Teamwork is a form of work that has many advantages. Teamwork means completing tasks faster and with better results. Teamwork also enables team members to help each other achieve common goals. Teamwork keeps employees interested and gives them a sense of belonging and pride.

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