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Cross device, the next step in digital marketing

At the moment, cross-device marketing is playing an increasingly important role in digital marketing strategies. Companies are interested in this new way of interacting with consumers. Indeed, brands have discovered that cross-device communication is a highly effective way of communicating and building customer loyalty. Cross-device solutions create a unique user experience.

In the past, companies focused on cross-media. But today, brands want to go even further. Companies are ready to invest in developing a unique user experience. Cross device goes even further than cross media.

Many companies have decided to make cross-device marketing an integral part of their marketing strategy. Brands need to reach the user in different places. What’s more, today’s users use different devices to consult their social network accounts. These data show that on social networks, consumers read 16% of posts from their cell phones.

Cross device represents a real opportunity for companies. In fact, they can reach their customers with special campaigns. For example, a brand might offer a discount to customers who use several devices.

Cross device, a unique opportunity for brands

Cross device is a real way of reaching the user in different ways. Companies can offer specific features that will not be available on other devices. For example, a company might offer the possibility of downloading a document immediately. Users will be more tempted to download a document because they can do so on their smartphone.

Cross device is an opportunity for brands to raise their profile. In fact, they may offer services or deals that would not be available on any other device. This gives them the opportunity to make themselves known. They can also increase their visibility.

1. What is cross device?

Is this a new trend?

For the moment, cross-device is a trend. It can be of interest to companies that want to stand out from the competition. Companies take advantage of the opportunity to promote themselves. However, cross-device is not for everyone. It’s ideal for brands that are used to communicating with their customers via a variety of devices. Indeed, they need to be ready to create different content formats depending on the device used.

Is cross-device right for every company?

No, some companies aren’t ready for the cross-device world. It’s essential that the brand has a good level of expertise and is willing to go the extra mile. Different content formats need to be created for different devices. What’s more, you need to be able to work on more than one

2. Cross device and digital marketing

Cross device is often used in digital marketing.

The 3 levers of cross device digital marketing

As far as marketing communications are concerned, companies that use cross-device communication to communicate with their customers have three levers they can use:

Multi-device “: this means creating several content formats depending on the media used. This means switching from one format to another, depending on the device used. For example, if the video is used on a screen, it needs to be modified so that it can be read on a tablet.

Cross-channel: creating a link between several communication channels. In this way, a communication made on the web can be reused in an emailing.

Multiscreen “: this strategy focuses primarily on mobile and touch devices in general. Companies need to adapt their content to the screen of these devices.

The different uses of cross device

Companies looking to use cross-device solutions have several objectives in mind.

– Cross-device marketing increases the amount of traffic on a website.

– It allows us to develop a deeper relationship with our customers. Companies can then offer them a more personalized service.

– This strategy also enables companies to attract and engage new customers through a variety of marketing campaigns.

This means adapting content to the devices used by customers (smartphones, computers, tablets, etc.). To achieve this, you need the right marketing tools.

3. What are the different stages of cross device?

When planning a cross-device strategy, it is important to consider the following elements:

– Users conduct their searches in different channels. To do this, they use several devices. This means adapting your content to suit your media and channels (website, email, social media, etc.).

– Cross device can be applied to all types of content: texts, images, videos, infographics, etc.

– Cross device adapts to all messaging: personalized emails, SMS, etc.

– It also addresses all purchasing channels: websites, marketplaces, etc.

– Cross device takes into account customer behavior on different devices, their browsing and search habits, and their purchasing path.

– The aim is to use the right marketing strategy for the best ROI (return on investment).

4. Choosing the right cross-device campaign

How do I go about it?

– Cross device is a marketing tool in its own right. In practical terms, this means purchasing a cross-device marketing solution.

– This solution makes it possible to create content suitable for multiple devices.

– You then need a clear policy for users to access this content. Here again, you need to purchase a cross-device solution.

– Last but not least, crossdevice can be brought online quickly.

How do you define your core target?

To create a cross-device campaign, you need to be very precise. The core of the target must be precisely identified, as these are people with very specific needs and desires. Depending on the product or service you’re marketing, cross device will be used in different ways. The right email address, the right website for the sale, the right smartphone and tablet to use, the right mode of communication: these are all parameters that come into play when choosing a cross device.

Defining your audience is essential. Some cross devices will generate more traffic than others. So you need to be very precise about the target you want to hit. That’s why we need to implement a cross-device marketing strategy.

What’s the budget? Which target? What content?

Cross device is a powerful communication and marketing tool. But this tool has a cost. So we need to make sure we have a clear strategy on what we want to achieve. In this case, you can turn to an agency specialized in digital marketing.

A cross-device brief is also necessary. The idea is to precisely define the content to be implemented. The budget will therefore vary according to the content.

5. Cross-device constraints

Cross-device communication is a highly effective tool, enabling companies to reach several people at the same time. So it’s worthwhile for companies to implement it. But not all media can be used for cross device.

The different media used for cross device

A variety of media can be used. There are, for example, applications for smartphones and tablets. But widgets are also available for websites. There are also social networks, which are communication media that enable us to reach a wide audience. For the time being, advertisements can also be found in the print and broadcast media.

There are also tools for creating personalized emails. It’s a form of cross device through email. The media used for cross-device marketing are diverse, so it’s important to choose the right ones for your company.

For example, applications for smartphones and tablets are widely used. Internet sites are another way of reaching a wide audience. For emails, it’s important to choose the right recipients, as email can reach several people at the same time.

Conclusion on cross device marketing

Cross device marketing is a tool for reaching several people at the same time.

To succeed in cross device marketing, you need to choose the right media for your target audience. What’s more, you need to know which media are best suited to your target audience. You also have to do everything you can to ensure that the company achieves positive results.

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