Life at work

4 anti-proscratination tips: learn to manage your priorities!

Procrastination is a mental process that pushes us to put off until tomorrow what we should be doing today. This is often the result of a lack of discipline or a false sense of priority. So our aim is to offer 4 anti-procrastination techniques so you can achieve your goals, while doing what you love, more efficiently.

1. The principle of procrastination

Procrastination is the result of mismanaging pressure and priorities. In other words, we’re faced with some kind of pressure: conflict, stress, lack of time, etc. We then try to manage it in various ways. When this pressure is too great, we may decide to do anything other than what is expected of us: this is procrastination.

The principle behind such a decision is simple:

“I don’t have time to do this so I’m going to do that.”

This choice may seem logical and healthy at first, but it’s often the result of a lack of motivation. So we tend not to do what’s expected of us, rather than working towards our goals.

2 anti-procrastination techniques for living in the present

First of all, here are a few principles to follow if you want to avoid procrastination:

Always think about the consequences of your actions

Just because it’s urgent doesn’t mean it’s important. Just because something is urgent or important doesn’t mean it has to be done now. The key is not to react to pressure, but to implement strategies to resist it. Procrastination is a form of escape, in which we flee from a difficult or unpleasant situation. This way of thinking prevents us from focusing on the essentials and appreciating the present moment. We’re too often thinking about what’s going to happen in 1, 5 or 10 years’ time, even when we’re in the midst of an important moment.

Positive psychology tells us that we should focus on what we really want to achieve, not on what we don’t want. Indeed, if that’s what we want, it’s going to be an easier goal to achieve because it’s forward-looking. If, on the other hand, our goal is directed towards the past or the future, then it’s a goal that’s difficult to achieve, because it’s directed towards the past or towards a situation that hasn’t happened yet.

We must realize that all our actions have consequences, and that we must always consider them.

Always good value for money

Don’t invest in something that won’t bring you anything. Give your time, energy and money to things that bring you joy and love. If you don’t feel good about what you’re doing, it’s time for a change. Don’t be under the illusion that you’re going to live better off the money you’ve earned. You can be rich and not know it. You can be poor but know you’re rich.

Don’t do things for the reward they may bring, but do them because you want to. Do things because you need them, not because you want anything in return.

2. Procrastination is often the result of a lack of self-confidence.

We can’t trust something we don’t know. We’re nervous and worried because we don’t know the things we need to do.

The next time you feel nervous and preoccupied with what you need to do, ask yourself if you know this thing. If not, then ask yourself why you’re feeling nervous and preoccupied. You’ll see that the reason for your anxiety is fear of the unknown. Then ask yourself what you can do about it. You’ll probably find a way to figure out what you need to do.

Most people can’t and won’t learn from their mistakes. They don’t want to know how to avoid it next time.

That’s why they find themselves entangled in the same problems over and over again. By following the same course of action, they relive the same problems.

Be aware of what you do and what you think. Observe yourself with a detached, objective attitude.

If you’re angry, become aware of your anger. If you have negative thoughts, become aware of them. If you are afraid, become aware of your fear. If you are anxious, become aware of your anxiety.

When you become aware of your problems, you turn them into lessons. You learn things about yourself and how you can turn these things into something positive.

When you want something, do it! Be real. Be concrete. Be practical. Do the things that are in your best interest. Don’t waste your time on things that aren’t in your best interest.

Do the things that will make your life easier and happier.

Do the things that will give you freedom and peace of mind.

Do the things you want to do. Do the things you love to do. Do the things you’re good at doing. Do what you do best.

Be realistic! Be practical! Follow what’s in your best interest! Follow what makes sense! Follow what’s in your best interest!

Love each other! Love each other! Love each other!

Be positive! Be positive! Be positive!

Life isn’t so bad. Life isn’t that hard. Life is beautiful. Life is good. Life is wonderful. Life is great. Life is fabulous.

Life is wonderful, a wonderful adventure, a wonderful event, the most extraordinary and wonderful experience of all.

Life is a sense of fun, a sense of excitement, a sense of enthusiasm and great passion. Life is a sense of joy, a wonderful joy, a fantastic joy. Life is a sense of pleasure, an extraordinary sensation.

Life is a sense of well-being, pleasure and contentment. Life is a sense of experimentation and wonder. Life is a sense of happiness and pleasure.

3. To stop procrastinating, you need to get to know yourself better

Better understand and use its vast capacity, its inexhaustible potential.

Most people don’t apply themselves to developing their potential. They simply fill it with fears, regrets, sadness and pain. Most people are content to use around 5% of their capacity.

People are far too afraid to use their potential. Most of them are so depressed that they can’t even imagine how they could use more of their capacity.

I’m not saying you have to use your potential 100%. But I’m sure you can use more of your potential than you do.

If you only use 5% of your capacity, then you can’t be fully satisfied with your existence. You have to fill it with disappointments and dissatisfactions.

When you use more of your potential, you begin to live life to the full on its own terms, not on the terms that society and others impose on your life.

When you use more of your potential, you start to take things more seriously, to act in a more important way, to make decisions in a more important way, to behave in a more important way.

Most people are so depressed and dissatisfied with their lives that they can’t even imagine how they could use more of their potential.

When you use your potential to 100%, it means you can fill your life with satisfaction and pleasure. That’s what I call a fulfilled life.

A fulfilled life doesn’t mean you’re always happy; on the contrary, there are days when you’re not happy. This means using more of your attention capacity, more of your attraction capacity, more of your energy capacity, more of your creative potential, more of your relationship potential, more of your love potential.

4. Recognize your potential

You can’t use more of your potential until you know how to use it.

For a start, if you don’t have any money or are in a lousy job, that means you’re just doing what everyone else is doing. You’re just using your attention span, your attraction capacity, your energy capacity and your creative capacity in things that are no different from what anyone else is doing.

If you’re preoccupied with death, i.e. if you don’t have money, if you don’t have love and if you’re not well in your relationships with others, it’s because you’re only using your attention capacity, your attraction capacity, your energy capacity and your creative capacity. You’re simply using your ability to relate to others, but you’re not paying attention to what you’re doing; you don’t know what you’re creating. That’s why you only do what everyone else does, and you’re preoccupied with death.

Once you’ve learned how to use your full potential, you’ll be aware of what you’re creating. When you’re aware of what you’re creating, it means you’ll be able to see how best to use your attention span, your attraction span, your energy span and your creative span. This way of seeing, this way of working, is not taught in schools.

Have you noticed that you are the person you love the least? When I say you’re your least favorite person, I mean you can’t stand to be with yourself. You can’t stand being with yourself and you think that if someone else could stand you, they wouldn’t like you. If you like someone else, it means you have sympathy for them. If you can sympathize with someone, it means you’re creating the same thing in them, because they’re a reflection of your consciousness. So when you love someone else, you create the same thing in them that you love in them. If you love someone else, it’s a reflection of your own consciousness in them. You can’t love someone else without loving something in yourself.

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