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How can you block spam on your website?

If you own a website, you know how frustrating spam can be. They can take hours to clean up, and they can detract from your visitor’s experience. Fortunately, there are effective ways of blocking spam on your website. Here are some simple steps you can take to limit spam on your website:

1. Spam: the scourge of websites

What is spam? Well, that’s a pretty tough question to answer. But let’s say they’re comments or links added to a website or blog by people who aren’t associated with the company or brand. These comments and links can be really annoying and can damage the reputation of your website or blog.

The background of your computer screen is replaced by advertising banners

When you’re on the Internet, you may find yourself with advertising banners displayed on your screen. This is when we talk about spam. These banners can be very numerous and prevent you from viewing certain parts of your computer.

So make sure you can deactivate them easily.

Ads every time you visit a website

When you visit a website, you’re often bombarded by ads, which are often very difficult to get rid of.

What’s more, these ads can be of poor quality. They’re often quite conspicuous and can be a nuisance when you’re browsing a site..,

2. How to detect spam

If you’re a regular Internet user, you’ve probably heard of spam. But do you know exactly what it is and how to recognize it? In this article, we’ll take a closer look at what spam is and how to detect it.

Identify the brands present on your site

A brand should be present on your site, but be careful not to overuse it. When advertising your brand, it’s important not to overdo it.

Indeed, you must always bear in mind that your site must also be read by people who are not interested in your brand.

Feel free to browse the comments from your users

When reading your comments, you need to make sure you’re not being too strict. It’s important to make sure your users feel comfortable on your site.

It also allows you to see if there are users who are dissatisfied with your site. This allows you to see what you need to work on.

Make sure there are no ads or links

One of the signs of spam is that it contains advertising or links. This can be difficult to detect, but you must be able to do it.

That’s why it’s important to read the content of the article, not just the title, to make sure it doesn’t contain any advertising or links.

Avoid sites that reproduce content from other sites

When you use a site that reproduces content from other sites, make sure you always indicate the author’s name. This means you won’t be accused of copying content from another site.

In this way, you can include the author’s name in the same sentence as the content you’ve reproduced. If you don’t, you risk being accused of plagiarism,

3. How do I block spam in WordPress?

If you have a WordPress site, you’ve probably already received unwanted comments and spam. It’s annoying, and can also be dangerous for your website. That’s why it’s essential to know how to block spam in WordPress. There are several ways to do this. You can use a security plugin to block spam, or you can adjust the comment settings on your WordPress platform to restrict access by spam bots. You can also set up a v

How to disable automatic commenting

To use the comment system in WordPress, you need to disable the automatic addition of comments. This can help you reduce the number of unnecessary comments.

If you want to do without it, you can disable it directly in your WordPress management interface. This is the case, for example, if you want to use it to leave comments.

Delete unnecessary comments

When you publish an article, you may receive unnecessary comments. This can be irritating, especially as you have to check them before publishing them.

It is possible to delete unnecessary comments, but you must respect the right to freedom of expression.

That’s why you need to make sure you only delete unnecessary comments, not interesting ones.

Delete off-topic comments

One of the best ways to make sure you don’t have off-topic comments on your site is to delete them if you see them. That is, if you see that the comment doesn’t address what you’re writing.

This can allow you to delete a comment that isn’t relevant to what you’re writing, so you don’t have to worry about it.

How to limit the number of comments per day

When you’re a blogger who writes regularly, you may find that you receive a large number of comments.

This can help you get feedback on your blog, but it can also lead to unnecessary comments,

4. How to block spam with htaccess?

If you own a website, you know how annoying spam can be. It’s very easy to be overwhelmed by tons of unwanted comments and e-mails. Fortunately, there’s a simple way of blocking spam: the .htaccess file. You can use this file to create rules that block spam before it reaches your server. In this article, we’ll show you how to block spam with htaccess, so that your website is safer and cleaner.

Creating an htaccess file

When creating an htaccess file, it’s important to structure it properly. So it’s best to start by writing down the name of your file and its contents.

To ensure that the content of your file is easy to read, it’s also important to organize it well. For example, you can use a three-part structure.

First, you need to add the name of your file. Then you can write the part that contains the directives. Finally, you need to add the part containing the exceptions.

Modifying the htaccess file

One way of blocking spam is to modify the htaccess file, which is your site’s configuration file. It allows you to modify the response you give when you receive spam.

For example, if you receive spam from a server, you may want to reply that your site is not aimed at users of that server.

Make multiple modifications

You can also make several modifications at the same time. This means you don’t have to modify the htaccess file several times.

This also ensures that you don’t forget certain modifications. It’s much the same principle you use for modifications to your website.

Repeat procedure

When you’ve finished, repeat the same procedure. This avoids having to modify the procedure for each new page you add.

You can also test pages on several search engines, such as Google or Bing.


Spam is a big problem for websites, but fortunately it’s possible to block it with solutions like WordPress and htaccess. By applying these techniques, your site will be safer and you’ll be able to avoid unwanted comments. Once you’ve implemented one of these solutions, take the time to test them regularly to make sure they’re working properly.

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